Vegeterian Aubergine and Strawberry soup

Vegeterian Aubergine




Fillet of Tomatoes


Toamato sauce



Cut the aubergines from the roundabout, and flaws to Roast with olive oil, salt and pepper, just taken off the grid select bigger and put them aside (about 3).
The rest make a compound cut very fine along with the cheese and capers, add some pepper and tomato filletts
Now start to put together a personal one layer of Eggplant tomato fillets, and so forth creating a type Tower (pictured).
Just finished putting them in the oven at 200 degrees for about half an hour.
Strawberry soup
Red wine
Lemon ice
Just cut the strawberries to your liking, add lemon sugar and wine (but also with limocello you can do) mix it all together and put them in the fridge for about 3 hours …..and enjoy it!!!

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